Saturday, July 12, 2014

Ultimate Campfire Potatoes

I wish I could say, "I love camping".  But to be honest, I just don't love it.   I'm sure it would be much better if you were in a camper but every time I have gone I have been in a tent - a large tent, but still a tent.  It gets dirty in there no matter what you do, you never escape the smell of the campfire, and let me just say.....  I like my own bathroom.

But the one thing that I do love is cooking over an open fire.   These potatoes are as easily made over the campfire as they are made on your own backyard grill.

Tastefully Simple Ultimate Steak Seasoning
Tastefully Simple Roasted Garlic Infused Oil

Slice up your potatoes and add TS Ultimate Steak Seasoning until seasoned to your liking.  Pour in a couple of tablespoons of TS Roasted Garlic Infused Oil.   I double wrap my potatoes in foil.  Place on the grill and turn every 15 minutes or so. You can tell when your potatoes are done by inserting a sharp knife into the package.   If it is soft, it is done.     Slice the package open and serve directly from your "tin foil dish".

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