Thursday, July 10, 2014

Beer Bread Shapes

So here is our most popular product, Tastefully Simple's Bountiful Beer Bread.  It's super easy to make all you need is the mix, a beer and 2 tbsp of melted butter.  The cook time will be a little less.  You can tell when the bread is done because it will brown like the picture above and pull away from the side of the pan just a bit.

Normally you would see this bread baked in a loaf pan, but here I baked it in a 9" pie pan.  The reason that I did this is because I wanted to cut the bread up and use it for dips. This way when it is cut each piece has a bit of the crunchy outside.  And it does not crumble as much in your dip.

If you will be using your Bountiful Beer Bread as an appetizer along with a dip you might want to give this a try.

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